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What if I Am Released Back to Work Before I Am Ready?

In order to be released back to work, a medical professional must perform an examination and assert that your disability is not severe enough to keep you out of the workforce any longer. Unfortunately, a doctor not not always have your best interests in mind, especially if the doctor is one who has been chosen by your doctor or workers’ compensation insurance company. In some cases, a doctor may release you back to work before you are ready to save an insurance company money.

Luckily, if you are released back to work before you are ready, you may be able to fight the decision. The best thing that you can do if this happens is to call an attorney. An attorney can help you to obtain the opinion of a third party physician who has no personal investment in your claim. If an independent medical professional does not believe that you are ready to return to work, his or her opinion can be cited to protect your right to continuing receiving workers’ compensation benefits while you recover from your injuries.


Are Psychological Services Covered Under Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

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